Events and After-party

3 Da Hardway Soundclash @ E.B. Club Lounge



Friday August 17, 2012 | E.B. Club Lounge

E.B. Club Lounge, 5345 De Maisonneuve Blvd. West, Montreal, corner Decarie.

Get ready for the most anticipated soundclash as St-Best Entertainment and The Montreal International Reggae Festival presents: “3 Da Hardway Soundclash” featuring from Montreal: Little Thunder VS. Rootsman (Toronto) VS. Showtime Soundstation (New-York). Early juggling by Platinum Sounds, Jackpot Jugglaz & Exile 1. Clash starts at 12am sharp! Trophy for the winner and surprise guest host!

Advance tickets $25 and more at the door. Tickets are available at GB Fish Market, Gillespie Barber, Triple AAA and Caribbean Tasty Treats. This event is sponsored by Boutique Buzz, GB Fish Market, Caribbean Tasty Treats and


Official afterparty @ E.B. Club Lounge

Saturday August 18, 2012 | E.B. Club Lounge
Official Reggae Festival After Party
E.B. Club Lounge, 5345 De Maisonneuve Blvd. West, Montreal, corner Decarie.

For more information, please visit or